Vespe Info...

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Ray B
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Jul 16, 2000 2:17 pm

Post by Ray B »

Beleve it or not the PIX of my WMP<br>
Astoria Kit will be coming at you soon.<br>
Also I am trying to dig up some photos<br>
(or whatever I can get)of prob. the<br>
most bizarre of all the cocktail drums<br>
or setups, The Vespe. These badboys<br>
were manufactured by a cat from West Jersey<br>
(NJ..for the rest of the world)whose other<br>
prime occupation was reducing 28" BDs down<br>
to 20/22" jobs. I have seen a few in my<br>
travels and they sure are "different".<br>
He most times canabalized parts (mostly lugs<br>
including Tube Lugs!)to make these mostly<br>
single headed masterpieces of strangeness.<br>
Altho he also did have other setups that<br>
included bongos, toms, and other attachments<br>
and sported the ever lovable reversable <br>
pedal on the bottom of the 2 headed main drum.<br>
There is a regional myth around these parts<br>
that a cat once found a complete setup of<br>
the latter model (including pedal)quietly<br>
sitting on the curb waiting for the trashman<br>
to pick it up. But then again there is also<br>
a the one about the escaped psycho<br>
w/ the hook for a hand.<br>
Good Job Bra,<br>
Ray B. <br>
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