How important is the diameter?

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How important is the diameter?

Post by SRT80 »

I have decided I'm gonna go ahead with a full size cocktail drum. Original plan was a 16" floor tom. I want to make my own drum though.

I see sales full 24" depth shells. I can get either a 15" diameter or 16". I noticed the GP and Trixon use 15" drums. But I have seen the higher ends in 16".

How important is the diameter and will there be a major difference from 15"-16"? I can save money if I go with the 15" since I can use my lugs and rims from a 15" floor tom I have that I am not using.

Or I can use my lugs and just buy new rims for a 16" drum. I won't be hanging anything on the drum so I will just use my 3 brackets and legs.

I'm hoping can help me out with a shell since they are local to me. I will have to call them today to get a quote. If not, guess I will order one from drumfoundry.

I'm also curious on what ply I should get. My options at drumfoundry are a 6 ply or 8 ply. What are the advantages or disadvantages to a thinner vs. thicker shell?

Thanks for any info.
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