Just want to say "Thank you"to you.Cause I really get alot of good information about C.drums.This is the 2 C.Drum that I use.The Square one is I design myself which I call it "GIGBOX".The "Bass drum"sound like 16"bass and got the Studio type of Bass sound.Since I only allow to use Brushes/Rute on backing up Finger Picking Guitar player.I can't use my YAMAHA or SONOR jungle snare.I design another one just for the"SNARE".Well!It doesn't sound like Snare.But,if you use the Soft Nylon brushes & Rute to play.It does sound OK for me and every one in the Band!I even can get almost 80% 'High"Conga sound if I use my finger to play or the Mallet to hit on the "Square Blue Spot".A lot of drummer laugh when they 1st time see it,but,after seeing & hearing I play.They will come up and try(after the show)end up asking me.Can I buy from you?Can U make One for me,I will pay!! HaHaHa!The other one is I use my 18"Remo Roto Tom conver it to Bass drum.This one I use it for other Band.
See You And have a nice day!
Hi,Keith!thanks for your reply.The material that I use for my GB is all plywood.Infact is a recycle item.Those are left over plywood in my friend's workshop which he wanted to throw!I collect it & ask him to follow my drawing & make for me(FOC!)There's no Guitar string/cable inside the 'Snare".I try it once,but sound funny,so I throw it way and make another one.One the "Bass"there's a hole on the Left side.You are right!I am using the CAJON concept!I do have a self make Cajon.But I don't like the playing position.My back is tired/pain.So I design another which I call "GROOVE BOX".There's 2 6"tom on top.Tune it very high inorder to get Gonga or Bongo kind of sound.Then I have a bass/snare on my top and bottom right side.If you want to see the picture you can go to my web side which my good friend do it for me.www.geocities.com/laubrothers.Infact this GB in the picture is the 3rd version.I have the 1st & 2nd version!which I will use it occassionally!alot of drummer asking me how I get that "Studio"bass sound from my GB.In fact it's very very easy.If you are interested to know.I will share it to you!
Hi,Keith! The surface for the "Snare"is using 1mm think plywood.I have to use the wood type silicon to glue it before nail it.Beside using Brushes/Rute.I can use my hand/finger to play it like Gonga.Although it doesn't sound like real "Gonga".But about 85% similar!If you look at the photo carefully.You can see there's one "Sky Blue"square thing glue on top of the Snare.I can use the Mallet to hit it,and it also sound like Hi-Gonga.That square thing is a soft rubber sponge that I cut from one of my son's toys.HaHa!For the Bass,which the beat hit.I am using 1mm plywood also.I use the left over sponge(making sofa)glue the whole thing inside the plywood just to stop the "Sustain".Inside I use different kind of sponge to damper the plywood.I have to live the Top part open inorder to put all those sponge inside.It's all try and error thing.I try using the soft rubber sponge for the Bass beater to hit.But I don't like the Feel.It's very hard.I try so many material on the Bass drum but it won't get the Bass sound that I want.Finally(now I'm sharing the secrete to you!)I use my old face tower fold it to a small size,attached it to a thin cardboard,use the Masking Tape to tape around.before I glue the whole thing to the Box.I put one thin sponge on the "Beater centre"and glue it.Then I put the whole "Bass Skin"and glue it to the Box.That't very very easy.isn't it.The whole GIG BOX can fit in nicely in my car's trunk.My friend even help me to make a travelling box for my GIG BOX.That's when I have to perfrom in other place.Atlease when the show is end.I can pack my things faster than the guitar player and wait for them at the car park with a BIG SMILE!