Hi Stomper here from England. Do micro kits come under the same category as cocktail kits. I use a small bass drum 16", made from a floor tom with a 12"x4" and a14"x5" mounted on a combined tom and cymbal holder along with a 16" Sabian [El Sabor] crash and a 18" K. Zildjian crash/ ride. A pair of Stagg 12" hi-hats and a Premier12"x6"wood [maple?] snare complete the kit. I first made a16" Tom/Bass drum in about 1980 when I used to travel to Ireland on business and sit in with the local jazz groups. Because of the Irish connection Icalled it my DUBLIN drum ,because it doubled as afloor tom or a bass drum.[Boom-Boom] . Geat small kit for small lounge work easily transported and quickly set up and pulled down.Kindest regards to All across the Pond. Stomper