This is another "Cajon" type box drum that I build 1 month ago! 13" drum head as "main Kick", 10" as "Snare", 12" as "Tom". That's my modify Tama Iron-Cobra pedal(using auto car's clutch cable).This make the kick drum playing position more normal! Foot Cabasa/block,Pedal Tambourine.I attached a 10" splash cymbal as mini ride/crash.
Haha! This is 16 x 12 mini kick.I'm using Mazda 626 clutch cable for this kick pedal.I can potision it any where I want.I also use it for my percussion set-up.Will plan to build another one(Coctaildrum style)in near future!
Thanks! Ya!!you're right...this 2 drums not in the Cocktail-drum list.But just like to share to our Cocktail drum member here!! althought,I had been using it for band pratice,jamming & gigs.but always never thought of taking video or record it.Hope this comming sunday' band's pratice I can do some simple recording!!!(for the compact box cajon drum!!!)
These sets may not eb cocktail type drums, but it's always fun to see what you come up with, Peter. I like to see how small a drum set can be, and still be usable on stage. Small is beautiful!
Just want to share my new drum pic!!! Just completed last Sat."Side-Kick"(The Beater will strike to the right position!!)Pedal & Bass drum!